Lakewoodites | by Rob Masek
A comic strip written and drawn by Rob Masek, about life in one of the most densely-populated suburbs in America, Lakewood, Ohio.
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It’s your turn to be the stripper!
Yoda should have been driving. I may George Lucas him in later.
Congrats Class of 2023! (I’m looking at you, Fia)
Featuring guest writer and illustrator Moses!
Barry and the Bling Blangs
Happy Post-St. Patrick’s Day
Trivia Time
A Reminder that Valentine’s Day Isn’t For Everyone
Cleveland Pierogi Week (featuring Piotr!)
In Memory of Bill Hixson (aka Mr. Christmas)
Lakewood’s Own Christmas Rockstar
Winter Denial
Holespital Playground
Vote Against
Halloween Neighborhood
Anything worth doing is worth over-doing
It’s Like the Church is Lip-Syncing
Beware of the Birds
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